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  • There's gotta be another way

There's gotta be another way

Wednesday - Oct 25, 2023

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration each day from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Everyday Recipes

  • Ah Merguez. I always buy this when I’m looking for a change of pace. And then I stare at it in the fridge all week wondering what to do with it since it’s a little different than most other things I do! Next time I’ll try this one pot Spicy Merguez with Spinach and Borlotti Beans from the Amateur Gourmet. If we’re being honest, while Borlottis are great, I’ll just use whatever beans I have around.

  • I’m not sure about you, but throwing out the greens attached to roots that I buy sometimes feels like a moral failing. Turnip and beet greens get tossed into whatever I’m sautéing on a given night, assuming I haven’t been too lazy to wash them before they get gross, but it never feels right to do it with radishes. Next time I’m trying this Radish Leaf Soup from David Lebovitz. Potato soup with radish greens mixed in. This can’t be bad.

Project Time

  • If you like beef jerky at all, please make this Beef Jerky from Michael Ruhlman. As far as projects go it’s pretty easy. There’s some slicing of meat. Some making of a paste (which he speeds up with a can chipotles). Some resting, and then some fun in trying to get your oven to run as low as possible for a long time. You may even get to prop it open with a cork! I make this and take it skiing. My wife thinks it’s ridiculous, but I’m eating better than anyone else on the mountain.

  • Important note: If you have a food dehydrator (and you eat meat) then there’s really no excuse to not do this!

Something Fun (or Interesting)

  • If you thought you were good with dough … watch and learn.

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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