Crunch Time

Welcome all of our new readers!

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration 3 days a week from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less. Remember you can get access to all the recipes we share through our database by referring a friend via your link below.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Everyday Recipes

  • I’ve been failing to get vegetables on the plate lately so went searching and found this Celery Salad with Sour Apples and Walnuts. Not sure on the level of acidity in my apples - but I’m sure that whatever I have in the fridge will work to get some vegetal (and fruity and nutty) crunch into the rotation this week.

  • Not sure why I’m not feeling like a carnivore today, but I’ll go with it and share this Roasted Cabbage with Beans and Mushrooms. It’s another one that looks easy to make from things that are on hand - and if you swap in canned beans in a pinch I think the bean police will probably let you off with a stern warning.

Project Time

  • Have you ever made big soft pretzels at home? If you’re looking for a baking project - other than holiday cookies - this is one that’s worth try. This recipe actually skips the boiling step that’s usually called for, making it a reasonable candidate for a fun project that’s not an all day (or multi day) commit but still brings the novelty factor that a good project should.

  • If you do want to go all traditional, including having some fun with lye, here’s a full on version.

Something Fun (or Interesting)

  • I guess it makes sense that you can make a lollipop in the shape of a flower out of a Jolly Rancher… but not something I would have ever thought to do. If anyone has tween girls in their lives (as I do) this might be something they’d go nuts over…

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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