No deals - just meals

Monday, Nov 27, 2023

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration 3 days a week from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Everyday Recipes

  • We’re through Thanksgiving. Call the next week or two a breather before we hit the holiday wall of roasts and rich stuff. I’ve been meaning to buy preserved lemons and this simple Pasta with Preserved Lemons and Anchovies from Martha looks like a good gateway drug and a nice light change of pace.

  • Not sure what the deal is - but soup recipes tend to get less love in this newsletter than other stuff. We are not deterred! This Stracciatella Soup from Grossy Pelosi is a fun one, since its always fun to swirl eggs in hot broth. Also, you can fake out grumpy teenagers who think they’re getting gelato for dinner and are instead presented with a bowl of soup.

Project Time

  • No heavy duty project today, but these Popovers from Alexandra Cooks are low effort (once you have the process down) and highly impressive, so a good one to try out now and add to your arsenal. If you like it you can make them again for a big holiday dinner - or breakfast if you prefer and everyone will think you’re a genius. You’ll also learn the difference between Popovers and Yorkshire Pudding, so there’s that too.

Something Fun (or Interesting)

  • We’re going back to the Wilderness Cooking channel for a giant fish. Now you may quibble with the notion that he “caught” this fish. Seems more like harvesting from his backyard pond, but it’s a slow and deliberate master class (these are slow videos, but somehow soothing and hypnotic, even on 2x) in scaling, gutting, cleaning and prepping a fish. Something that we could all get better at even if we don’t have an amazing in ground tandoor oven to cook it in!

  • Btw… the hits keep coming here. A cat eating gills? An amazing tea set? Some sort of goat that comes when called for snacks? Who knew Azerbaijan was so awesome.

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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