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  • It's Thanksgiving Already?!

It's Thanksgiving Already?!

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration 3 days a week from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

We’re bringing you some last-minute Thanksgiving inspiration today. If you’re responsible for the turkey, we assume you have that covered (if not, chop chop).

Here are some of our favorite recipes to inspire your sides and desserts.


  • Marinated Winter Squash with Sage — We’ve shared this recipe before, but wanted to share again as a unique, flavorful and easy make-ahead recipe. You cook the squash, and then marinate it in a vinegar marinade for a few hours before serving at room temperature. Perfect to have waiting in the wings while you finish up cooking your Thanksgiving meal.

  • Vanilla Bean Whipped Sweet Potatoes — Sweet potatoes are a classic side, but if you’re looking for something other than a cloyingly-sweet version, these sweet potatoes are an easy option. You can try adding a splash of bourbon for some smokiness and complexity, or a splash of maple syrup if the potatoes aren’t quite sweet enough.

  • Mushroom and Leek Stuffing — While I love a traditional sausage stuffing, I tend to try to keep my stuffing vegetarian friendly. This stuffing retains some of the meatiness of a sausage stuffing thanks to the mushrooms, and has great flavor thanks to the sourdough, leeks and thyme.

  • Garlic Cheddar Biscuits — I’m not sure when it started, but at some point I decided I wanted biscuits with my Thanksgiving meal, and every year since I’ve included them. Nothing beats a good biscuit. This recipe is a straightforward, quick, and flavorful one.


  • Old Fashioned Flaky Pie Dough — No matter the pie, you need a good pie crust. This recipe, from Stella Parks, is fantastic. If you ever have trouble with pie crust, follow these instructions carefully, and you’re going to have no problem at all. While the recipe isn’t particularly hard, leave yourself plenty of time to allow for proper chilling of the dough.

  • Chocolate Pecan Pie with Bourbon — Pecan pie is very good, but if you want something that’s a little different, and is really going to impress, try this fantastic recipe. Chocolate people: rejoice! A traditional pie that scratches the itch.

  • Old-Fashioned Apple Crisp — If you want some pie vibes, without having to deal with making or buying a crust, try this crisp (or any crisp!). You can throw it together, and then pop it in the oven at the start of dinner, and have it waiting for you warm when it’s time for dessert. It’s easy as pie! Wait, no, easier.

  • Glossy Fudge Brownies — Maybe you’re going to a pot luck and want to bring along something good for a crowd? As far as I’m aware, these are the best brownies in the world. Stella Parks has, once again, created a near-perfect recipe. The brown butter and espresso powder in this recipe make these brownies pretty special.

We hope you have a fantastic holiday!

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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