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  • One if by land, two if by sea

One if by land, two if by sea

Wednesday - Oct 18, 2023

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration each day from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Everyday Recipes

  • Yes, you really can make excellent Kung Pao Chicken at home without tons of super specific ingredients. This Serious Eats recipe has been my home Kung Pao Chicken recipe for years and Kenji recently posted a new video to show you how cook the whole thing in 3 minutes - obviously excludes prep!

  • For something totally different, this Apple and Manchego Salad from Andrew Zimmern feels like a good excuse to buy that new mandoline you’ve been eyeing. For me, it’s also a way to finally let go of summer and throw out that last peach that I’ve been “saving” in the fridge as it gets sadder and sadder.

Project Time

  • For those of us who lived in Brooklyn in the 2000s and liked to eat, Franny’s was the best. Obviously an opinion… but it’s a newsletter so I can say these things. The best thing at Franny’s was the Clam Pizza. Way better than anything they make up in New Haven. Fighting words I know… but so it is. There are a lot of steps here, but it’s a project!

  • If you like this recipe then you should also buy the Franny’s cookbook. Shouting about the pizza aside, the vegetables and sides were copied by just about every other restaurant in town. Endless easy options for vegetables, meat, beans and pastas.

Some Fun

  • 18th Century cooking? Butter boiled chicken? Not sure if this is for you? It’s not for me… but I’m definitely up for watching someone else do it. Thanks to Townsends for working his way through a fairly loose recipe that apparently stands the test of time.

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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