Runaway roast

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2024

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less. Remember you can get access to all the recipes we share through our database by referring a friend via your link below.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Let’s see how far we can go…

Hope your new year is off to a good start!

We cooked a lot over the last few weeks and have a few recipes to share that show how much you can get out of one of those standing rib roasts.

  • First, we made this Rib Roast with Anchovy and Rosemary (and a ton of garilc) that we shared in the newsletter ahead of the holidays for Christmas. It was good. We didn’t skimp on all the garlic and anchovies and it definitely showed up. Classic holiday dinner was most definitely delivered.

  • Next we made some Beef Stock in the pressure cooker from the leftover bones. I was not working with the ingredient list that this recipe calls for - and just cooked for 90 minutes on high pressure - it still turned out great. Our stock definitely had some aggressive flavors in it from all of that garlic and anchovy, but we were willing to roll with it.

  • Then, a few days later when we remembered we had that stock in the fridge we made some French Onion Soup. I’ve not made that for years. It was excellent, even though I sadly lack actual soup crocks. Strangely for me, that soup was really filling and a couple of bowls did the trick for dinner.

  • In the interim we made a pot of white beans for lunches and had some farro left over from another dinner, so made this French Onion Baked Lentils and Farro, swapping in the beans for the lentils… which seemed totally allowable by the cooking gods - and had a delicious work lunch.

  • Finally, there were some dregs of that onion soup still lying around, so my wife made us Lentil Soup for lunch today - you’ll have to find your own recipe for that one!

Hope you find something useful here! Feel free to reply with your own tales of culinary life extension 😀 

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