A wing for all seasons

Tuesday - Oct 31, 2023

We bring you quick, useful and fun cooking inspiration each day from places we like from around the web, in 3 minutes or less.

Let’s get to it, clock’s tickin’!

Everyday Recipes

  • When I did Halloween in Brooklyn with little kids we’d get wings from the Chinese takeout spot to make sure they ate something that wasn’t candy at some point in the evening. I no longer have bullet proof glass storefront takeout joints nearby, but this recipe for Chinese Restaurant Style Chicken Wings from butterbeready delivers on that craving, and a holiday (Halloween is a holiday, right) seems like enough of an excuse to do some home frying. If you’re not up for frying, this Serious Eats recipe for oven baked wings has been our home go to for years.

  • On the same tip, as an adult who would absolutely never be dipping into the candy … having something that feels wholesome for dinner on Halloween after small people have passed out is a bonus. I love Caldo Verde. It’s one of those potato based soups that always tastes better and more complex that you think it should given the level of effort involved. This version from Food 52 is good and swaps in kielbasa from linguica since it’s easier to find. If you want to go meatless it’s still good with just the kale as a great antidote to sugar overload.

Project Time

  • This might not take all that much time to put together, but Alton Brown’s Boston Brown Bread recipe instructs us to bake bread in cans, so I think that qualifies as a project. I feel like this is something that should come in a bread basket at a restaurant that you went to with your parents when you were a kid - so I might whip some butter to go with it when I commit the time to giving it a try!

Something Fun (or Interesting)

  • This is a bit of a time waster, but how often to do you get to watch someone cook an ostrich in a pit in the ground. Not often. As a bonus you get to watch him collect wood from the river for his fire pit, show off some pretty solid knife skills and you’ll learn that Azerbaijan is beautiful.

  • Yes… it is weird that he’s cooking an ostrich because they don’t have them in Azerbaijan (and yes, I confirmed for you with a google search), but I stopped asking questions on this one and just enjoyed it.

Let us know what you tried (just reply)! More soon.

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